
What we do

The world we have today has more complicated than ever. The every business, every project need sophisticated management and specially on supply chain process.

On time supply

We keep the ON-TIME policy. Every timeline and project schedule must keep on going. as a supplier we help our clients to keep on time.

Keep the standard

Another our policy in our service is keep the standard. Keeping standard is make things simple and easier to manage.


Balancing pricing with Best quality is what we promise to customers. Our supply managers always make sure best quality products for clients.


We do supply and transporation any products you want.


The various product, mining equipments, Supply chain services.


We are working with large scale mining and construction project.


We are awarded as Best supplier company of Oyu Tolgoi LLC.


Partnership is the backbone of our operation

Биднийг тууштай дэмжиж, хамтран ажиллаж буй бүх эрхэм түнш компаниуддаа чин сэтгэлийн талархал илэрхийлж байна.

We value the trust our customers place upon us

Бид ээлжит захиалгаа амжилттай хийж дууслаа. Манай хамт олон үйлчлүүлэгч нарынхаа итгэлийг алдахгүй ажилласаар байна. World Nixes LLC.

Member of Supplier Portal of MCS Group

4-р сарын 27нд М-Си-Эс Группийн Нийлүүлэгчийн порталд нийлүүлэгчээр бүртгүүлээд худалдан авалтад оролцох боломжтой боллоо.
